15 Gifts For The Clean A Fleshlight Lover In Your Life

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How to Clean a Fleshlight

It is crucial to clean your fleshlight each time you use it. This will help keep it hygienic, healthy and ready to go. Fleshlight recommends using a specialized cleaning agent for sex toys, spraying the sleeve from inside out, then thoroughly washing it before drying.

Avoid detergents, fleshlights soaps, and hand sanitizers since they can damage Super Skin's proprietary material.


Cleaning a fleshlight may not be the first thing that comes to mind when in the heat of the moment. It's essential to keep this sexy toy clean, as it invites mould and bacteria to settle within its sleeve, which is porous. And if these undesirable organisms make their way to your penis, you're likely to suffer from an unpleasant infection. Therefore, you should make a habit of cleaning your Fleshlight after each use and you'll enjoy it for a lot longer.

You can clean a pocket pussy or fleshlight with water and antibacterial soap. If you don't have anti-bacterial soap, you can also use liquid hand soap or shower gel. But, you should stay clear of using regular bar soap or body washes with scents as they could contain chemicals that could erode the material. Likewise, oil-based lubes are not a good choice because they can hold moisture and promote bacterial growth.

The most important thing to do when cleaning a pocket or fleshlight pussy is thoroughly washing it, particularly around the holes where the canal's internal exits. To do this, put the sleeve under hot water from the tap vertically. Utilizing the middle and index fingers of both hands, rub and squeeze the sleeve, while washing it to work the soap into suds. This is particularly important around the surfaces with textured surfaces, gaps and folds inside the sleeve and also where it is placed on top of the case. Rinse the sleeve until all the soap is gone.

After you've washed your sleeve, it's essential that it is completely dry before you put it back in its case and keep it in storage. In the absence of this, you'll encourage the development of unattractive black mold and, worse, a lingering bad smell that could be a sign of bacteria or bodies of a million Sperm cells have gathered inside your fleshlight.

A towel is a good option to dry your fleshlight, but you must be careful not to touch the inside of the case. The sleeve is very soft and can cause small tears or cracks that are not just unsightly but also likely to cause injury to your penis when you insert the toy the next time. Using a hairdryer or a mini fan to accelerate the process is advised.


It's a fact that is universally accepted that dirty fleshlights smell bad. The smell comes from mold, bacteria and bodies of a gazillion sperm cells. Fleshlights that smell must be cleaned and deodorized. A sour fleshlight could trigger yeast infections or UTI, so it's best to wash it and deodorize it regularly.

To clean the surface of a Fleshlight, all you need is soap and hot tap water and a cloth or sponge. Gently rub the surface of your fleshlight toy men until you can see a great lather. Be sure to focus on the lip, as it can become quite icky over time.

Use only a specific cleaning agent for sex toys to clean your fleshlight. Many of these cleaners contain components that can damage the Cyberskin material. Avoid using hand Sanitizers (rubbing alcohol) and anything else containing isopropyl Alcohol on your skin.

You can also utilize the suggested Fleshwash (a special cleaner that won't erode Cyberskin) or simply wash your sleeve using 70% isopropyl ethanol, which can be purchased at your local drugstore. It is essential to wash your sleeve thoroughly following the wash, making sure you go into all the cracks and crevices.

It is important to allow your fleshlight air dry after cleaning it. It can be left to dry on a cloth or paper towel, or place it in the shower and let the warm water run over it for a while. If you're running out of time, you can put it in the direction of a radiator or a fan to help speed things up.

You can add renewal powder or cornstarch (recommended by your manufacturer) after the fleshlight has completely dried. Then you can place it back in the case and keep it safe until the next time you want to play with your fleshlight. Just remember to wash your hands following the event, and make sure you have a good supply of condoms in your bag! If you're planning a sexually intimate night out with your partner make sure you bring a few additional toys so you can change things up if you want.


Fleshlights aren't the easiest sex toys to clean however, they can be cleaned correctly. The outer plastic case can be cleaned using paper towels that were immersed in warm water, then wrung out thoroughly, however the inside rubber sleeve is a bit more difficult.

It's best to spray the fleshlight first with an sex toys cleaner (Fleshlight makes one) and then thoroughly rinse it. This will help remove some of that gunk, but not all. This is why you should leave it out to dry, and ideally with airflow (like from an open window or a fan).

If you aren't keen on using sex toy cleaner, it's not impossible to create your own solution made of isopropyl alcohol as well as water, but you'll want to use buying a fleshlight concentration that's no higher than 70 percent. It is essential to eliminate any bacteria that could be lurking in the crevices. Otherwise it could become a breeding place for mold and other unwanted microbes.

After your fleshlight has dried you can apply renewal powder. Fleshlight suggests this cornstarch powder for the sleeve's interior. It can be found in any health food retailer. It assists in keeping the material from becoming sticky or tacky, and it can also help protect the sleeve from rolling or tearing during use.

The other thing you need to keep in mind before placing your fleshlight in storage is to give it a good rub down with a clean rag. This will help remove any odors from the toy and ensure that it is completely dry.

Then, you'll be ready to store it in a secure and secure place, preferably somewhere dry and cool (like a drawer) and free of lint and dust. If you keep it clean and stored it properly, a light bulb will last for many years. So don't forget these steps! If the light starts to smell or appear like mold, it may be time to replace it.


To get the most value out of your Fleshlight it is essential to thoroughly clean it after every use. Start by removing the sleeves and then running it through warm water until the water has completely absorbed and there's no soap visible. Pay attention to the intricate wrinkles, folds and gaps. Then, add a bit of anti-bacterial soap, or some hand or body wash and rub it into the sleeve until it's clean and no soap remains visible.

You'll need to make sure that the sleeve is dry before you put it back into the case. If you don't, the sleeve will be sticky and could even begin to smell. If this happens, it means the sleeve is dirty and you should throw it out.

There are a few different methods to dry out a fleshlight but they all require patience. It's simple to dry a fleshlight by leaving it on a towel in a cool dark place. You can speed up the process by blowing a nozzle at it. Be patient and do not interrupt it until it's completely dry.

Another option is to soak the sleeve several minutes in 70% isopropyl Alcohol. You'll then need to massage and rub your fingers across the sleeve. This will help wash the sleeves and remove any bacteria.

If you don't happen to have any isopropyl on hand, you could use rubbing alcohol or a small amount jojoba. Be careful not to use too much jojoba oils, though it could damage the sleeve.

When your fleshlight is dry and clean, it's ready to use again! If you don't take it care of right, it could cause mildew and mold which could cause damage to the experience. So clean your toy every time you use it and keep it away from hot surfaces as extreme temperatures can destroy the silicone in a fleshlight sleeve.