15 Gifts For The Clitoral Stimulators Lover In Your Life

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Clitoral Stimulators

We know you have many vibrators. If you'd like to experience orgasming in a different way, add one of these clitoral stimulation devices to your collection.

They target your clit with the use of pulsations, vibrations and suction to stimulate thousands of nerve endings. This helps you understand the unique pathways to your climax and encourages self-discovery--which can help close that gap in communication with partners, too.

1. SoDivine Irreplaceable Suction Stimulator

The Irreplaceable Clitoral Stimulator is a clitoral toy (hikvisiondb.webcam) that provides vibration and suction stimulation. This sex toy can be used by itself, but for an incredible experience, So Divine recommend that you use this clitoral stimulator with some lube to give you an additional enjoyment.

This sex tool is ideal for those who wish to discover the pleasures of the clitoral area as well having fun with their partner. Many find that clitoral stimulators offer an intense sensation, and may lead to more intense orgasms than other kinds of vibrators. This sexy toy comes with a soft silicone tip that can be easily placed into the clitoral hole. It is also easy to clean, meaning it can be enjoyed repeatedly and over again.

A bewitching new way to reach orgasm Irreplaceable looks like an in-ear thermometer, or a teeny-tiny vacuum. When you press the power button at the bottom of the toy, you are able to quickly switch between 11 different suction settings. The handle is comfortable and simple to recharge. This clitoral suction toy is made of medical grade silicone and is latex free which makes it safe for everyone.

So Divine has revealed its top 15 couples' toys and self-pleasure. This includes a rabbit vibration that offers dual stimulation for the clitoris as well as the G-spot, as well as the kegel ball that helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.

2. Lovehoney x the romp Switch

If you're looking to add clitoral suction stimulation to your collection of pleasure toys take a look at Lovehoney's x Romp Switch. This clever clitoral suction stimulator features Pleasure Air technology that pampers your clitoris with a unique wave of air pressure to create amazing sucking sensations. It's easy to control, discreet, and portable. And it's body-safe, meaning you can use it whenever and wherever the mood strikes.

This tiny, rechargeable toy is perfect for playing by yourself or playing with a buddy. The dildo-like wand features an engaging, clitoral-like head made of hygienic silicon that is gentle on skin and splashproof to IPX4. Apply a bit of lubricant and place the head against your clitoris to feel an clitoral suction experience that's beyond description. The toy comes with six extremely intense, yet soft intensity levels, making it easy to determine the appropriate level for you.

The toy is simple to charge and the internal wand is super quiet, which is ideal for those who wish to hide this toy in an area that is hidden or are worried about other people observing their toys while they're playing with it. It's also easy to clean with a removable head that is easily removed to wash thoroughly.

Unlike other clitoral suction vibrators which are noisy, this one is silent. This is great for those who live in close proximity to others or want to use it during showers or bath sex, when the sound could be disruptive to someone else. As an added bonus, it's smaller and quieter than many other clitoral suction stimulators that are available. This is a great option for beginners who don't know what level of pressure would be most effective.

3. Cake Little Sucker

As the sexologist Jess O'Reilly told Cosmo, "clitoral stimulation is the direct and most reliable route to pleasure and sexual stimulation for a large number of people." However, like any clitoral stimulator it may take some experimenting to find the perfect one. A fist-sized suction toy, Little Sucker encapsulates the clitoris by using a tiny nozzle while simultaneously stimulating other externally-facing erogenous zones like the penis and nipples.

This delicate look is a great option for entry-level for anyone who is interested in clitoral stimulation. It is made from silicone that is body-safe and is incredibly comfortable on the clit. It can also be utilized to target other erogenous regions. It's small size does not mean it isn't powerful enough. There are 10 different suction methods that range from a soft touch to a powerful sucking action.

The suction masturbation toy is great for both solo and partnered use. The battery lasts for 70 minutes, and the design is discrete. Use it with a vaginal vibration device for additional clitoral stimulation, or give it to your partner during masturbation, so they can give you a personal sensations of clitoral stim.

4. Lelo's Sona 2 Cruise

The Sona is the Rolls Royce of clitoral stimulators--it's beautiful and luxurious and provides sensations that are unique and enjoyable. It's similar to a traditional suction vibrator for clit but with an nozzle that can create the sound of a sonic wave which penetrates into your clitoris. The sonic waves can assist you in achieving orgasm and create a rhythm impossible to achieve with traditional vibrations.

To use the Sona place it on your clitoris, and adjust the intensity by pressing the + and + buttons. Try out various locations and movements until you discover the one that is most comfortable for you. The toy can be used in the bath or shower and is completely waterproof.

The Sona like the Womanizer Premium Eco has a sprayer that is directed towards the clitoral Ridge. It is able to be used in the shower or bath. You can also pair it with a water-based lubricant in order to enhance the pleasure. The toy comes with a rechargeable battery, and it can last up to two hours.

You can cycle through 12 different vibration patterns and adjust the intensity of the clitoral massager by pressing the (+) and -- buttons. The toy is suitable for two or more users, and couples looking for a stimulating method to get intimate will love this toy. It's easy to clean, and comes with a one-year warranty. The clitoral stimulator is available in an app that allows you to modify and control the experience. The Sona is more expensive than the majority of clitoral stimulation devices, however it's well worth the cost for those who desire an experience that is different when they feel orgasmic.