Tato wiki běží na MediaWiki, copyright © 2001–2024 Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber, Lee Daniel Crocker, Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Niklas Laxström, Domas Mituzas, Rob Church, Yuri Astrakhan, Aryeh Gregor, Aaron Schulz, Andrew Garrett, Raimond Spekking, Alexandre Emsenhuber, Siebrand Mazeland, Chad Horohoe, Roan Kattouw, Trevor Parscal, Bryan Tong Minh, Sam Reed, Victor Vasiliev, Rotem Liss, Platonides, Antoine Musso, Timo Tijhof, Daniel Kinzler, Jeroen De Dauw, Brad Jorsch, dalšía překladatelé na
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URL vstupních bodů
Nainstalované vzhledy
Vzhled | Verze | Licence | Popis | Autoři |
MonoBook | – | GPL-2.0+ | Klasický vzhled MediaWiki od roku 2004, pojmenovaný po černobílé fotografii knihy v pozadí stránky | Gabriel Wickea další |
Vektor | – | GPL-2.0+ | Moderní verze MonoBooku s novějším vzhledem a vylepšenou použitelností | Trevor Parscal, Roan Kattouwa další |
Instalovaná rozšíření
Speciální stránky |
Rozšíření | Verze | Licence | Popis | Autoři |
GoogleCustomWikiSearch | 0.5.0 beta | | Allows integration with Google Custom Search or Google Site Search | Ike Hecht for WikiWorks |
Oversight | – | Licence | Skrývá jednotlivé určené revize všem uživatelům (z právních důvodů apod.) | Brion Vibber |
Renameuser | – | GPL-2.0+ | Přejmenování uživatele (vyžadováno oprávnění renameuser) | Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmasona Aaron Schulz |
Háčky pro parser |
Rozšíření | Verze | Licence | Popis | Autoři |
CharInsert | – | GPL-2.0+ | Umožňuje vytvoření JavaScriptového políčka, které zjednodušuje vkládání neobvyklých znaků | Brion Vibber |
Cite | – | GPL-2.0+ | Přidává značky <ref[ name="id"]> a <references /> na označení citací | Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Andrew Garrett, Brion Vibber, Marius Hoch, Steve Sanbega další |
ParserFunctions | 1.6.0 | Licence | Rozšíření parseru o logické funkce | Tim Starling, Robert Rohde, Ross McClurea Juraj Simlovic |
Ochrana proti spamu |
Rozšíření | Verze | Licence | Popis | Autoři |
ConfirmEdit | 1.3 | GPL-2.0+ | Poskytuje techniky CAPTCHA pro ochranu před spamem a hádáním hesel | Brion Vibbera další |
Jiné |
Rozšíření | Verze | Licence | Popis | Autoři |
QuestyCaptcha | – | | | |
Nainstalované knihovny
Knihovna | Verze | Licence | Popis | Autoři |
composer/semver | 1.4.0 | MIT | Semver library that offers utilities, version constraint parsing and validation. | Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggianoa Rob Bast |
cssjanus/cssjanus | 1.1.2 | Apache-2.0 | Convert CSS stylesheets between left-to-right and right-to-left. | |
doctrine/instantiator | 1.0.5 | MIT | A small, lightweight utility to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors | Marco Pivetta |
jakub-onderka/php-parallel-lint | 0.9.2 | BSD-2-Clause | This tool check syntax of PHP files about 20x faster than serial check. | Jakub Onderka |
justinrainbow/json-schema | 1.6.1 | BSD-3-Clause | A library to validate a json schema. | Bruno Prieto Reis, Justin Rainbow, Igor Wiedlera Robert Schönthal |
liuggio/statsd-php-client | 1.0.18 | MIT | Statsd (Object Oriented) client library for PHP | Giulio De Donato |
mediawiki/at-ease | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Safe replacement to @ for suppressing warnings. | Tim Starlinga MediaWiki developers |
mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer | 0.7.2 | GPL-2.0+ | MediaWiki CodeSniffer Standards | |
monolog/monolog | 1.18.2 | MIT | Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services | Jordi Boggiano |
nikic/php-parser | 1.4.1 | BSD-3-Clause | A PHP parser written in PHP | Nikita Popov |
nmred/kafka-php | 0.1.5 | BSD-3-Clause | Kafka client for php | |
oojs/oojs-ui | 0.17.4 | MIT | Provides library of common widgets, layouts, and windows. | Timo Tijhof, Bartosz Dziewoński, Ed Sanders, James D. Forrester, Kirsten Menger-Anderson, Rob Moen, Roan Kattouw, Trevor Parscal, Kunal Mehtaa Prateek Saxena |
oyejorge/less.php | | Apache-2.0 | PHP port of the Javascript version of LESS | Matt Agar, Martin Jantošoviča Josh Schmidt |
phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock | 2.0.4 | MIT | | Mike van Riel |
phpspec/prophecy | 1.6.0 | MIT | Highly opinionated mocking framework for PHP 5.3+ | Konstantin Kudryashova Marcello Duarte |
phpunit/php-code-coverage | 2.2.4 | BSD-3-Clause | Library that provides collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code coverage information. | Sebastian Bergmann |
phpunit/php-file-iterator | 1.4.1 | BSD-3-Clause | FilterIterator implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes. | Sebastian Bergmann |
phpunit/php-text-template | 1.2.1 | BSD-3-Clause | Simple template engine. | Sebastian Bergmann |
phpunit/php-timer | 1.0.8 | BSD-3-Clause | Utility class for timing | Sebastian Bergmann |
phpunit/php-token-stream | 1.4.8 | BSD-3-Clause | Wrapper around PHP's tokenizer extension. | Sebastian Bergmann |
phpunit/phpunit | 4.8.24 | BSD-3-Clause | The PHP Unit Testing framework. | Sebastian Bergmann |
phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects | 2.3.8 | BSD-3-Clause | Mock Object library for PHPUnit | Sebastian Bergmann |
psr/log | 1.0.0 | MIT | Common interface for logging libraries | PHP-FIG |
sebastian/comparator | 1.2.0 | BSD-3-Clause | Provides the functionality to compare PHP values for equality | Jeff Welch, Volker Dusch, Bernhard Schusseka Sebastian Bergmann |
sebastian/diff | 1.4.1 | BSD-3-Clause | Diff implementation | Kore Nordmanna Sebastian Bergmann |
sebastian/environment | 1.3.7 | BSD-3-Clause | Provides functionality to handle HHVM/PHP environments | Sebastian Bergmann |
sebastian/exporter | 1.2.1 | BSD-3-Clause | Provides the functionality to export PHP variables for visualization | Jeff Welch, Volker Dusch, Bernhard Schussek, Sebastian Bergmanna Adam Harvey |
sebastian/global-state | 1.1.1 | BSD-3-Clause | Snapshotting of global state | Sebastian Bergmann |
sebastian/recursion-context | 1.0.2 | BSD-3-Clause | Provides functionality to recursively process PHP variables | Jeff Welch, Sebastian Bergmanna Adam Harvey |
sebastian/version | 1.0.6 | BSD-3-Clause | Library that helps with managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects | Sebastian Bergmann |
squizlabs/php_codesniffer | 2.6.0 | BSD-3-Clause | PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. | Greg Sherwood |
symfony/yaml | 3.1.0 | MIT | Symfony Yaml Component | Fabien Potenciera Symfony Community |
wikimedia/assert | 0.2.2 | MIT | Provides runtime assertions | Daniel Kinzler |
wikimedia/avro | 1.7.7 | Apache-2.0 | A library for using Apache Avro with PHP. | Michael Glaesemann, Andy Wick, Saleem Shafi, A B, Doug Cuttinga Tom White |
wikimedia/base-convert | 1.0.1 | GPL-2.0+ | Convert an arbitrarily-long string from one numeric base to another, optionally zero-padding to a minimum column width. | Brion Vibbera Tyler Romeo |
wikimedia/cdb | 1.4.1 | GPL-2.0+ | Constant Database (CDB) wrapper library for PHP. Provides pure-PHP fallback when dba_* functions are absent. | Daniel Kinzler, Tim Starling, Chad Horohoea Ori Livneh |
wikimedia/cldr-plural-rule-parser | 1.0.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Evaluates plural rules specified in the CLDR project notation. | Tim Starlinga Niklas Laxström |
wikimedia/composer-merge-plugin | 1.3.1 | MIT | Composer plugin to merge multiple composer.json files | Bryan Davis |
wikimedia/html-formatter | 1.0.1 | GPL-2.0+ | Performs transformations of HTML by wrapping around libxml2 and working around its countless bugs. | MediaWiki contributors |
wikimedia/ip-set | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | Efficiently match IP addresses against a set of CIDR specifications. | Brandon Black |
wikimedia/php-session-serializer | 1.0.3 | GPL-2.0+ | Provides methods like PHP's session_encode and session_decode that don't mess with $_SESSION | Brad Jorsch |
wikimedia/relpath | 1.0.3 | MIT | Compute a relative filepath between two paths. | Ori Livneh |
wikimedia/running-stat | 1.1.0 | GPL-2.0+ | PHP implementations of online statistical algorithms | Ori Livneh |
wikimedia/utfnormal | 1.0.3 | GPL-2.0+ | Contains Unicode normalization routines, including both pure PHP implementations and automatic use of the 'intl' PHP extension when present | Brion Vibber |
wikimedia/wrappedstring | 2.0.0 | MIT | Automatically compact sequentially-outputted strings that share a common prefix / suffix pair. | Timo Tijhof |
zordius/lightncandy | 0.23 | MIT | An extremely fast PHP implementation of handlebars ( ) and mustache ( ). | Zordius Chen |
<references>anchorencode, basepagename, basepagenamee, bidi, canonicalurl, canonicalurle, cascadingsources, count, defaultsort, displaytitle, explode, expr, filepath, formatdate, formatnum, fullpagename, fullpagenamee, fullurl, fullurle, gender, grammar, if, ifeq, iferror, ifexist, ifexpr, int, language, lc, lcfirst, len, localurl, localurle, namespace, namespacee, namespacenumber, ns, nse, numberingroup, numberofactiveusers, numberofadmins, numberofarticles, numberofedits, numberoffiles, numberofpages, numberofusers, padleft, padright, pageid, pagename, pagenamee, pagesincategory, pagesinnamespace, pagesize, plural, pos, protectionexpiry, protectionlevel, rel2abs, replace, revisionday, revisionday2, revisionid, revisionmonth, revisionmonth1, revisiontimestamp, revisionuser, revisionyear, rootpagename, rootpagenamee, rpos, special, speciale, sub, subjectpagename, subjectpagenamee, subjectspace, subjectspacee, subpagename, subpagenamee, switch, tag, talkpagename, talkpagenamee, talkspace, talkspacee, time, timel, titleparts, uc, ucfirst, urldecodea urlencode
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